The holiday season is a time for fun and celebration. Unfortunately, it’s also a time for overindulgences that often lead to weight gain. As festivities draw near, it’s important to plan accordingly to have an enjoyable holiday season without packing on unwanted pounds. By remembering these three tips, you can celebrate the holidays while feeling balanced and in control.

1. Manage Post-Feast Leftovers

Overeating at just one meal is not a significant threat to your waistline, but chowing down on leftovers for a week or more can lead to excessive calories. Quickly managing leftovers in a way that removes the temptation is your best strategy.

  • If you are hosting a celebration this year, pack up leftovers and send them home with your guests. Your guests will be thankful and you won’t be left with an overstuffed refrigerator.
  • Consider freezing leftovers in individual portions. You may be less likely to have a late-night snack if you need to go to the effort of defrosting first.
  • Re-evaluate how much food you need for your family feast. If you still have leftovers in your freezer after New Year’s Day, you probably prepared too much food.

See Curb Those Holiday Cravings! Isagenix Options to Please Your Palate.

2. Enjoy Your Indulgences

Have you ever eaten something simply because it was available, but didn’t really taste it? The added stress of the holiday season combined with an abundance of calorie-laden foods represents a serious risk for mindless eating. When you choose to indulge in a treat, take the time to truly enjoy the experience. Consider how much you will enjoy that slice of leftover pumpkin pie that has been sitting on your kitchen counter. If you don’t savor it, it is not worth the calories.

3. Start Healthy Holiday Traditions

While food usually takes center stage during holiday parties, consider adding some healthy traditions into the day. Work up an appetite by participating in a physical event like an annual turkey trot or playing an active game of football in the backyard. For something a little more relaxing, take a walk outside with your family and guests before serving dessert.

Should you be concerned about gaining weight because of a one-time indulgence?

It’s commonly believed that weight gain during the holiday period is on average about five pounds or more. However, researchers studying holiday weight gain have found that the average American gains only about one pound between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Individuals who are already overweight might gain closer to two pounds on average (1).

While one to two pounds might not sound like a lot of weight, these pounds can add up over time. The seemingly small amount of weight gained over the holidays can account for much of the weight gain as we age (2). Maintaining your weight through the holidays is a powerful tool to help you stay slim. With a proper game plan in place, you can enjoy your holidays without adding extra pounds to your waistline.


  1. J.A. Yanovski, S.Z. Yanovski, K.N. Sovik, T.T. Nguyen, P.M. O’Neil, N.G. Sebring. A prospective study of holiday weight gain. N Engl J Med. 342 (23) (2000), pp. 861–867
  2. Schoeller DA. The effect of holiday weight gain on body weight. Physiol Behav. 2014 Jul;134:66-9. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2014.03.018.