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Use your personal experience to motive others on Cleanse Days.

Cleansing can be a confusing and intimidating experience. When people think of cleansing, they imagine weeklong bouts of starvation or uncomfortable colon cleanses. But cleansing with Isagenix is different, lasting no more than two days without the use of harmful laxatives. Even if someone understands how Isagenix Cleanse Days differ, the thought of abstaining from meals for a day or two can be daunting.

With misconceptions and fears associated with cleansing, it’s important for new cleansers to have a support system and knowledgeable resource to ensure their cleansing experience is successful. That’s where you come in.

As a cleansing coach, you can provide guidance and tips that can’t be found in a pamphlet or on a video. Your personal experience plays a major role because that’s what new cleansers can relate to. A study comparing weight loss of subjects with coaching from one of three health coaches—an expert professional, a peer, or a mentor—found that people coached by their peers had lost just as much weight as those coached by the actual health professionals (1).

The most important role you play as a cleanse coach is motivator. After all, we all know that we should eat a balanced diet and exercise daily, but many don’t do it. Your support and encouragement can get someone through their first Cleanse Day and on the way to reaching their weight loss goals.

Give Cleansers a Flexible Schedule

The 30-Day Cleansing & Fat Burning system guide provides a customizable step-by-step planner to organize your Cleanse Day and help you stay on track. In order to have a successful Cleanse Day, encourage beginners to follow the general guidelines emphasizing the importance of drinking enough water, consuming four servings of Cleanse for Life throughout the day, and using Cleanse Day tools including Ionix Supreme, Isagenix Snacks, and IsaDelights. As a cleansing coach it’s important to encourage cleansers to customize the steps in their Cleanse Day to fit their lifestyle and support adherence.

Provide Support

A great tip for cleanse coaches is to organize a support group for new cleansers so when temptation strikes, they will have a somewhere to turn for encouragement. Whether online through Facebook, or amongst friends, family, or co-workers, being in touch with others who are cleansing can help build morale and provide accountability. Studies have shown that the involvement in a support group has proven to effectively influence results (2). As a cleanse coach, it’s your job to help new cleansers find a support system that will help keep them motivated.

Be Able to Troubleshoot

While there’s no need to know all the answers, educating yourself on a few on the common concerns that arise for new cleansers and how to address them can make you a better cleanse coach. They will likely turn to you for guidance and advice during that first Cleanse Day. Make yourself available to them and provide tips on how to overcome challenges, like hunger or fatigue. Become familiar with the top 25 frequently asked questions that often deter new cleansers so you are prepared when asked.

There’s no need for formal training or extensive studying to be a successful cleanse coach. Simply share your experience with others, use the tools provided by Isagenix, and motivate cleansers by being a source of knowledge and support


  1. Leahey TM, Wing RR. A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study Testing Three Types of Health Coaches for Obesity Treatment: Professional, Peer, and Mentor. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2012.
  2. Klytta C, Wilz G. Self-determined but with professional leadership: on the effectiveness and definition of self-help groups. Gesundheitswesen. 2007; 69(2): 88-97