Are you AMPED up for the new Isagenix Performance Line?

2018-03-19T14:18:10-07:00Athlete Nutrition, Performance|

The 2015 “Breakthrough” Celebration was the biggest event in Isagenix history. Just one of the many reasons this event was so big was due to product launches like AMPED™ Power. Nutrition Science Writer II Alex Mohr explains the science behind this brand-new, pre-workout formula. Alex says, “Our goal was to provide energy, increase focus, improve blood flow, and accelerate gains in performance, because the time before someone’s workout is crucial.”

Endurance Athletes, Don’t Miss out on AMPED Power


Whether you run, bike, or swim, the number one performance factor you’re concerned with is avoiding fatigue. Entering a workout with excellent levels of energy, low levels of fatigue, and enhanced recovery is every endurance athlete’s dream. Good news: AMPED™ Power is designed to do exactly that.

Top 10 Questions About AMPED Power

2018-03-19T14:23:18-07:00Athlete Nutrition, Performance|

AMPED™ Power uniquely combines three synergistic actives in the formula: Nitrosigine™, citrulline, and creatine monohydrate. This wasn’t by mistake, as we are always looking for safe, effective, and scientifically validated actives in our products. These [...]

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